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Connecting people through art 

Shuruq Harb

The Jump

Shuruq Harb

The Jump


Year: 2020

Duration: 10min HD, 16:9

Set within the tectonic rift of the Jordan Valley and weaving multiple storylines that are joined through a robotic narrator, 'The Jump' explores the psychological terrains of leaping into the void.

Dizzying shots of the sublime landscape that itself becomes a protagonist in the story are interwoven with intimate monologues. The idea of jumping into the unknown is paralleled to a rush to take a chance, the physical thrill it entails, and how our perception and sense of time can radically shift in an instant. When we jump, we are in the moment yet outside of time, between acceleration and suspension, defying while adhering to gravity and the laws of nature. The fearless jump as a desire for adventure, a wish to fly, a longing for freedom.

Interested in acceleration, history, survival, and escapism in relation to narratives that provide agency in thinking about the future, the artist looks at the possibility of storytelling through fragmentation. She views fragmentation as a technological condition of our contemporary era— the way we navigate our lives virtually online through our devices, our condition of short attention spans. It also references the condition of geography and history as a Palestinian. Without giving up on the possibility of narratives, the artist is committed to finding new ways of narration that present sound and image without the total blur and abstraction of the human subject.

Shuruq Harb

The Jump


Year: 2020

Duration: 10min HD, 16:9

Video produced by the Han Nefkens Foundation


Born 1980, Palestine

Works in Palestine

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Han Nefkens Foundation
NIF: G-65167702 / Dutch tax identification number: 8264.14.540
c/ Conde de Salvatierra, 10, 1º2ª (08006) Barcelona

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